Melvin's Web Stuff - My Online Notepad

How to disable anonymous authentication in IIS Express

StackOverflow: IIS Express is automatically disabling anonymous authentication for my project, why? To disable anonymous authentication in IIS Express, I found updating the following element in the project files (i.e. csproj, vbproj) allowed me to debug my application with anonymous access. Changing the IISExpressAnonymousAuthentication setting to enabled fixes the issue (it can also be done […]


Enable CORS IIS Express

While debugging a .NET MVC WebAPI project, I was getting the error, related to cross origin resource sharing: No ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ header is present on the requested resource. Origin ‘http://localhost:XXXXX’ is therefore not allowed access. Once I added the following custom header to the IIS Express application host configuration, the errors disappeared. <add name=”Access-Control-Allow-Origin” value=”*” /> […]

FreeTextBox JavaScript

Kendo UI Editor – A FreeTextBox Replacement

The Kendo UI Editor is simple to use and easy to implement. I found it to be a great FreeTextBox replacement, the editor that I’ve used in the past. Here are a few reasons: Kendo editor is configured client-side in the JavaScript Kendo editor doesn’t rely on a server side control on the page, allows […]

JavaScript JQuery

Cache JQuery Selectors To Improve Performance

An easy way to improve jQuery performance is to cache reused jQuery selectors. This prevents jQuery from having to search the entire DOM for each instance the selector is being used. For example, instead of this: $(document).ready(function() { $(‘#FName’).html(‘My First Name’); $(“#changeName”).click(function() { $(‘#FName’).html(‘My Other First Name’); }); }); Try this: $(document).ready(function() { var fName […]


String.Format to set a constant in .NET

Today I began working on the base framework for a new project. In the past we would just copy an existing project and remove what we don’t need, so I thought this would be a good time to make the framework more generic to speed up this part of the process for future projects. This […]


Values considered false in JavaScript – false, null, undefined, NaN

The false values in JavaScript: false null undefined The empty string ” The number 0 The number NaN (result of an operation that cannot produce a normal result) False JavaScript Values (JSFiddle) All other values evaluate to true, including true, the string ‘false’, and all objects. Another tidbit about NaN is that it is not […]


FreeTextBox – Set default font and size

When using the FreeTextBox HTML editor, the default font styles have to be set in the stylesheet specified in the DesignModeCss property. In my case I created a stylesheet and saved it as /App_Themes/Default/FreeTextBox.css, with the following: body { font-family:Georgia; font-size:14pt; } Then I set the DesignModeCss property: <uc:FreeTextBox ID=”ucFreeTextBox” DesignModeCss = “~/App_Themes/Default/FreeTextBox.css” Runat=”server” /> […]

ASP.NET C# SQL Server SSRS Visual Studio

SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) – Download Multiple RDL files

I needed to migrate multiple SSRS reports (.rdl’s) between environments (production -> qa ->development) and didn’t want to download/upload each individual report. I searched but couldn’t find a solution built into SSRS report manager, so I began my Google search. I found a solution on Code Project (SSRS Downloading .RDL Files) that worked after some […]

SQL SQL Server

How To Convert Confusing Ascii Code To A Character

CHAR can be used to insert control characters into character strings. The frequently used control characters are: CHAR(9) = Tab CHAR(10) = Line Feed CHAR(13) = Carriage Return My problem was trying to export data in Management Studio from a 3rd party application database into a spreadsheet. I found knowing this useful when a column […]

Command Prompt Network Windows

Remote desktop users – Log off from a remote machine

List the current log on session(s): C:\>quser List the current log on session(s) on the remote desktop computer: C:\>quser /SERVER: To log off session listed in the previous step, use the following command. Here I am trying to log off the session 0. C:\> logoff / 0 /V (Source)